© Outside The Box © 2010 - 2025, all rights reserved. Site designed and built by Powder Blue
Everything you always wanted to know about Outside The Box.
If you can't find the answer you need you can telephone us on 07973 783339 or email us at maffbrown@gmail.com ... but please do read the FAQ first!
Yes, booking is essential if you want to be guaranteed a ticket.
Sometimes there are tickets on the door, so it's definitely worth checking on the night either by turning up or calling/texting the infoline: 07973783339
Before booking we ask any groups to consider whether they want to come and watch comedy or to get drunk and heckle.
As many of our clubs are small, we would say a group of this nature won't have as much fun and can potentially spoil the atmosphere of an intimate room.
Having said that we do encourage group bookings for comedy fans! But like we say not really suitable for Stag and Hens and those who want to shout stuff out, if thats your bag, get drunk and shout at traffic!
If you're booking a large group, please give us a call as we are happy to negotiate some money off.
If you're organising a birthday or Christmas party and wish to bring a group, have your final number of people ready and give us a call. We can negotiate some money off as a reward for bringing a lots of people!
Maff: 07973783339
Many of our nights are now unreserved seating. So just come through and sit where you like.
All line ups are subject to change, which means that should an act previously advertised is not performing they will be replaced with another. Rest assured, their replacement will always be carefully chosen to fit in with the rest of the bill.
It's a rare occurrence but we will usually update our website to show this change.
If you book to see someone specific and want to check, feel free to contact us.
One of our most popular questions!
We cannot advertise the performance of famous acts as they are there to try new material and often aren't doing a full set. We're not keeping it a secret to be mean, let's face it... It's nice to have a surprise to boast about the next day in the office!
All shows start at 8pm, apart from Windsor which begins at 7.30pm. Doors open at all venues 30 minutes before show start.
All shows end at around 11pm.
As you're probably aware we are inundated with performance requests here at OTB, so to help you and make things easier, we ask the following for any acts wishing to perform...
- A recent video of a performance, preferably from the last 12 months. YouTube or Vimeo links are preferred.
- A brief history of your comedy career and a link to your Comedy CV page.
- If you have won any awards, competitions or accolades please include them, they all help your cause!
- Press quotes/reviews.
- Any recommendations from comedians, promoters and media.
Please contact Maff BrownQuinn with your performance request: info@outsidetheboxcomedy.co.uk
We ask anyone who we haven't seen to come and do 2 to 3 short spots with different material to see you. If we're happy with those we'll invite you back for a paid spot
We don't have a dedicated open mic night, our nights are for established comics but we do have occasional open spots in Kingston. Refer to previous question: 'How do I get a gig at Outside The Box?'