Performer Details

Richard Herring


Richard Herring

Richard Herring Talking Cock

The relative penis size of a human male is bigger than that of any other primate. So after all, it is Man who is King of the Swingers, despite all the Monkey`s boasts in the song.

The best way to determine the size of a man`s penis is to get him to show it to you and then measure it with a ruler (make sure you get his permission).

According to Freud, women envied his penis and that`s why none of them wanted to go out with him, because they were jealous of him and his amazing cock !!!

It inspires lust, fear, awe and laughter, and yet it is an object of shame and when engorged, indecency, and though men may brag and exaggerate about their little chap they rarely talk about their feelings for it. Whilst women celebrate their sexuality in the World Wide Smash The Vagina Monologues, men are twisting their genitals into the shape of Hamburgers in Puppetry Of The Penis. It`s time for the twisting to stop and the Schlong celebration to begin.....

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